Tuesday 13 November 2012

This is the typical shooting game i love to play. Medal of Honor Warfigther is developed by Electronic Arts (EA). It is the latest installment in the Medal of Honor series. After it was released on 23th October 2012, i bought the game for $76.90 with my savings and i expect a lot from this game. Okay enough with the introduction, let's cut to the chase.

From the trailer, we see main character Preacher and his teammates going around the world shooting up all the bad guys. It looks like things are personal for Preacher too, as his wife and/or daughter get killed by terrorists.

You play as two of these superheroes, Stump and Preacher, as they investigate a terrorist operation smuggling explosives across the world, and as Preacher deals with problems at home.

The introduction mission has a very huge impression on me, it starts with slow stealthy task and suddenly everything goes against you. You have to fight your way to escape. The quality is awesome and the effects is just mind blowing compared to other shooting games. 

However, every game has flaws. I mainly stuck with the weapon each mission gave me, as they tended to have better scopes and iron sight. The setting of the game changes with each mission. Over the course of the game you fight in places like Pakistan, the Philippines, Yemen, and Bosnia

To me, Medal of honor warfighter has no stand out mission unlike Battlefield 3 which has a fighter jet mission. But there’s a couple of sections where you drive a remote-control robot with a machinegun attached. There’s also mounted gun turret sections, on a helicopter and a boat. You get to steer the boat at one point.

That's all i can say about the single-player mode for Medal of Honor WarFighter. It is quite fun but the mission is very short compared to call of duty and battlefield. I rate the single player campaign 3/5.

Now i will move to the next section of the game and that is the multiplayer. 

Medal of Honor Warfighter is entirely a very rewarding and tactical experience especially if you are playing with a friend on voice communication. If you are playing too aggressive, you will be caught more often. You really have to play to your class's strength. You need to stick with your team mates, check your flanks and reload regularly and safely. You cannot be a one man army.

The multiplayer gameplay does not have killcam which is the same as Battlefield 3 and has kill streak just like Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Also, similar to other shooting online games, you have to rank up to unlock weapons. To me, the multiplayer experience has a mix of Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare.

However, i find it a bit funny that the soldier’s sidearm has infinite ammo. Maybe they always bring a long a lot of magazines. I'm not sure why. 

If you like multiplayer gameplay because you can ride vehicles like Battlefield 3, I recommend you not to buy this game. But if you like to play shooting games seriously, playing it tactically, I suggest you should buy it. It's worth the money. You will enjoy playing it with your friends. I rate the multiplayer experience 4.5 /5.

Although I have seen reviews that said this game is not worth and a big flop, I decided to buy it and experience it myself. I had a lot of fun playing this game at the moment.
This is one of the better FPS (First Person Shooting) game I played but it did not extend beyond my expectation. Battlefield 3 was bigger and better, but i like something new. I don't understand the hate on this game. As a veteran FPS gamer, I can tell that this game is good. 

Make your own verdict.

Score : 7.5 /10 - Very good

The in-game screenshot were not taken by me because I can't screenshot the television as i am playing it on a console.

 I like to hear your opinions! Leave a comment, have you played it yet? Or will you even try this out?



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think this game is quite good and I can't wait to try it!

  3. i don't usually play this kind of games but i will give it try...kudos my friend!

  4. Nice FPS game, but $76.90 is a bit too expensive.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


About Me

Hello people ! You can just call me Zul. I'm a Year 1 Computer Engineering student at Temasek Polytechnic. This blog aims to show you guys my review on Shooting games so that you can have a better view of the game before buying it.


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