Tuesday 20 November 2012

Team Fortress 2 is a team-based first person shooter multiplayer game developed by Valve Corporation. It was first released on October 10 2007.This game is a bit old but it is one of the most underrated game I playedI've stabbed, shot, cloaked, crafted, traded and unlocked my way to a backpack full of awesome weapons and hats. And you know what ? Now its free !

There are nine playable classes, each of them has their own unique abilities and responsibilities.

From the picture above,
1. Demoman - A grenade-spamming defence class with his boots, shield and sword. He’s a frontline, headhunting warrior.
2. Engineer - Specializes in constructing and maintaining buildings that provide support to his team, rather than fighting at the front lines.
3. Heavy - The name says it all. The largest and possibly most dangerous class with devastating firepower from his trusty Mini-gun.
4. Medic - The primary healing class of the team. Found near the front lines, healing wounded teammates while trying to stay out of trouble.
5. Pyro - A pyromaniac that specializes in fighting enemies at close range using a Flame Thrower.
6. Spy - Uses stealth and trickery by turning invisible, disguising and faking his own death to aid his team.
7. Sniper - Picks off important enemy targets from afar using his Sniper Rifle and its ability to headshot. 
8. Soldier -A great starter class to get familiar with the game. Capable of both offense and defense with his Rocket Launcher.
9- Scout - Fastest mercenary on the battlefield. His double Jump leaves slower opponents struggling to keep up.

The multiplayer features is very wide. There are a lot of modes that includes Capture the Flag, Control point, King of the Hills and many more. The servers are always full of entertaining gamers. Even with intense rocket fire and grenade spam from everyone in the game, it still reigned supreme. 

What I have learned from this game is that you have to work together. You cannot just stomp through the battlefield alone. You need support and your team mate must also aid each other. In the end of the day, the best team with good team chemistry won.

Here is a gameplay video of me playing it offline with bots.

Now, all you need is Steam and an account. Don't worry! Both of it is also free and easy. 
You can download Steam here : http://store.steampowered.com/about/

From there, you can download the game for free.

Every update is an event and every player can be part of it. For a game that started out as just a multiplayer shooter, Team Fortress 2 has become something worth while. 

All in all, it is a brilliant and ever-evolving multiplayer shooter. Although four years on, Team Fortress 2 has become better and cheaper than ever. FPS gamers out there should try this game if they haven't.

Experience it yourself ! Explore it ! 

Score : 8.5 /10 - Awesome

Thin-game screenshot were not taken by me 

 I like to hear your opinions! Leave a comment, have you played it yet? Or will you even try this out?


  1. Thanks. Was looking for new multiplayer shooting game.

  2. Interesting. Shall check out more of the gameplays.

  3. Great multiplier game. Will be playing after term test. Able to play through garena?

    1. Yes, you can play it through Garena. Refer to this website on how to setup the game through Garena: http://policematrix.blogspot.sg/

  4. Nice screen captures of the games. shall try this game one day - gary


About Me

Hello people ! You can just call me Zul. I'm a Year 1 Computer Engineering student at Temasek Polytechnic. This blog aims to show you guys my review on Shooting games so that you can have a better view of the game before buying it.


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