Tuesday 27 November 2012

I will review to you guys a different type of shooting game.The title sums it all. Shoot Many Robots is a 2.5D solo and co-op shooting game that offers a lot of action for just $10. It is developed by Demiurge Studios and published by Ubisoft for Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and Microsoft via Steam.

Here is the launch trailer for this game.

From the trailer, you take on the role of P. Walter Tugnut as he fights through the robot apocalypse. The introduction storyline to this game starts with a big robot blowing up his truck at a scrapyard. From there on, it means war. So he hops into his RV and heads off on a crazy expedition to make the evil metal pay for wrecking his ride and for destroying all of humanity.

The gameplay is all about shooting thousands of robots. The RV serves as a command base to prepare yourself out with various weapons and other gear before hitting up a map by the steering wheel to select a destination. You stomp, jump, slide, and brawl across dozen of levels and locations in the campaign, either solo or with up to three buddies in co-op. Combat plays out from left to right and this reminds me of Metal Slug. 
The player is equip with a shooter with infinite bullets for the primary weapon and an explosive big gun with limited shells for the secondary weapon. Unlike Metal Slug, there are leveling in this game and kills result in leveling up. The higher your level, the more weapon and gear you can purchase in the store. 

In this game, coins is use as nuts that you collect to buy new weapons and armor from destroying robots. Bottles of beer are chugged to earn health. For the control, movement is handled with just two buttons, left and right. The rest is jump and slide. There is a circular cross-hair in the screen to aim and shoot, this is different compared to Metal Slug. 

Just like other games, there are flair to this game. There aren’t quite enough interesting enemy types or tactics to defeat them. The pattern of the gameplay can be easily predicted.The boss battles and survival levels are torturous and hard even though the difficulty is normal.There is not much to learn from the storyline. 

However, i had fun playing this game. It certainly filled my satisfaction. Overall, its a simple yet fun game to enjoy with your friends.

Here is a video gameplay of me playing the the first mission alone :


Try it yourself !
Score : 7 /10 - Good

Thin-game screenshot were not taken by me 

I like to hear your opinions! Leave a comment, have you played it yet? Or will you even try this out?


About Me

Hello people ! You can just call me Zul. I'm a Year 1 Computer Engineering student at Temasek Polytechnic. This blog aims to show you guys my review on Shooting games so that you can have a better view of the game before buying it.


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